Connor Nathan Jorgensen has arrived! He was born at 12:40am in the morning at the Parker Adventist Hospital on Sept. 8, 2009. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 6.4 ounces, and measured at 21 inches in length. His head measured at 14 inches ... big head! My epidural wore off at the end, so it was extremely painful ... the actual pushing and the "sewing up" afterwards (3rd degree episiotomy - yikes!), but it was all worth it to have this precious baby boy in our lives.
We had quite a scare at the end of labor as well. Connor was born with the cord wrapped around his neck and body... the doctor worked extremely quickly to get it off of him once he came out, but he didn't have a heart rate. I, of course, didn't know this was all happening (I was in so much pain by this point) until later that night when Nate had filled me in. He had just been deprived of oxygen the last couple of minutes when he was crowning. Dr. Tyler said it was the cord that was around his body - it had been pinched at the last couple of pushes and that is why she had to immediately "snip" me and get him out as quickly as possible ... so thankful that she did. It was the best sound in the world when I finally heard that baby cry (it took him a minute) - he had a lot of fluid to get rid of, so it was a soft, gentle cry. It was so precious to hear him for the first time.
The nurses then took Connor to the NICU to monitor him for a bit - just because of the "cord" situation - but they brought him back in to the room a half hour later, saying all was well. His apgar score was a 9 and throughout the stay at the hospital, the nurses/doctors said all his tests were turning out perfect. He is completely okay - so luckily, the last part of pushing was just a scare and nothing more.
Major conehead ...
Connor getting weighed in ...
So precious ... just had the gunk put over his eyes that they do after a baby is born ...
Seeing my baby for the first time ... a moment to remember forever ...
colton was a major cone head too...
Congratulations! What an incredible story. I'm glad Connor is okay...and that you're ok. Can't wait to see you all!
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