04.26.10 ~ Connor's Crazy Quirk ...

I was getting ready to go sing at a performance my ward was putting on, and I heard Connor starting to cry every time I did this one particular warm-up exercise. Nate and I just had to get it on tape because we think it's hilarious that he cries every time I do this one warm-up exercise ... even if he's happy and playing with Daddy. It's hilarious ...

And I promise that Connor loves songs that I sing to him! He just isn't a fan of the mi-me-ma-mo-mu's I guess ...


Brookel said...

that is so funny!! it makes you really want to know whats going on in his head.

Reese said...


Glad to see Nate is roughing the guy up pretty good.

Dan and Liz said...

he's SOOO cute Amber! i can't wait til our little sam is so giddy and big! (he's 15wks now)

Jana said...

That video is so hilarious!

Maybe that song translates to something really bad in Connor's language. Who knows?

Shannon said...

Robby and I loved watching this video! Too funny!