04.10.10 ~ Connor's First Nuggets Game ...

So we attempted to take Connor to experience a NBA basketball game. It started out okay, until in the beginning of the second quarter the "bird man" on the Denver Nuggets team made a dunk and the crowd went WILD. He just started bawling, and from then on, every time the crowd cheered, he cried. So Connor and I spent the rest of the game out by the concessions, watching the game on TV where it was a lot more quieter and more of Connor's style. We'll have to take him back to a game when he's older though - when his precious eardrums can handle the noise. He looked just so darn cute! He sure got a TON of compliments out in the hallway - everyone that walked by practically had to stop and smile or just vocalize how adorable he was...

"Uh, I'm not so sure about this Mom..."

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