Playin' at Grandma Jorgensen's pool before moving out to New York ...
Eating ice cream on Grandma Jorgensen's front porch - the ice cream truck came by and Grandma just had to buy him something! Connor's very thankful ...
Now that we are in New York, we try to go on walks every morning and Connor loves being in the "BOB" stroller. This is in beautiful Inwood Hills Park, I have many more places to explore while living here ...
And last the best of all the game ... PLAYING AT THE PARK. Nothing can beat that ... good thing there are a lot of great parks around here! And they all have water fountains that the kids can run through when it gets really hot ...
Oh these pictures make me miss you guys! I wish we were swimming, eating ice cream and going to the park with our two boys! Connor's sure a cutie!
Make sure to post about all of your adventures in New York! I would love to hear about all that you get to do there, and we love seeing what Connor is up to!
I'm glad you are having fun exploring. I feel like we are going to be having similar experiences even though we are going to be on opposite sides of the continent. I also am so excited to see you soon and can't wait! Love you!
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